From the Illinois GOP

Cook County GOP Chairman and IL-03 State Central Committeeman Sean Morrison Issues Statement on Engaging Republican Voters in IL-03
Cook County Republican Party Chairman and State Central Committeeman for the 3rd Congressional District Sean Morrison issued the following statement calling on Republican voters in IL-03 to get engaged and oppose Arthur Jones’ candidacy for Congress:
“Since late summer of 2017 and up until the last day to file, I worked with local Republican leaders to recruit a candidate to run for the Republican nomination in the 3rd Congressional District. As you know by now, our efforts were unsuccessful. No candidate was willing to step up and unfortunately our Party is left with Arthur Jones, a self declared Nazi, as the only candidate running in the Republican primary.
“After our district became national news, I have been heartened by the response of those who wish to take on Arthur Jones. With this renewed interest, I call on all good Republicans in the 3rd Congressional District to consider running as an independent or as a write-in candidate in the General Election. If you aren’t moved to run yourself, help us circulate petitions for those that are willing to run. If you are unable to circulate petitions, consider making a financial contribution to the candidate so they have the resources to combat Arthur Jones’ deeply racist views.
“The stakes in this election are high. Arthur Jones is a threat to everything we hold dear as Republicans and as Americans. We cannot let Arthur Jones use his bully pulpit to spew his racist, anti-Semitic rhetoric and denigrate our fellow Americans across all cultural and ethnic communities. Our Republican Party, the Party of Abraham Lincoln, was founded by anti-slavery activists who were dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal and are entitled to equal justice under the law. As Illinois Republicans in the Land of Lincoln, we must exhaust all means to ensure that Arthur Jones’ hateful views never make it to Washington.”
To get involved and help the Illinois Republican Party stop Arthur Jones’ candidacy by recruiting an independent candidate for Congress in IL-03, please contact us at co*****@il******.gop/” target=”_blank”>co*****@il******.gop.